Pam Ross cover by Hiro
Hair by Christiaan, Makeup by George Newell
Barry died of AIDS 1992 RIP
Barry McKinley photographer
Nancy Decker & Gia Carangi
John Sahag hair
Alberto Fava makeup

Nancy Decker “ I think about that moment all the time. With Barry (McKinley) on 5th Ave. Gia wasn’t well, I know. She started shaking, grabbed a ladder (to hold herself up) and I think I was scared and felt it was beyond my comprehension back then. Unfortunate, I know and it sounds weak but I was rather naïve and freaked a little, sorry. I think it was a Saks fifth Ave shoot. I’m not judging just confused where I was. Call me sad! Misery I know there is much much love there and you are a rock star in my opinion. ~source Sandy Linter
This day is dedicated to raising awareness and mourning those who have died of the disease.” — by Sandy Linter